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An Undeniable Rogue (Rogues Club, #1)

An Undeniable Rogue (Rogues Club, #1) - Annette Blair Sabrina is already waiting at the Stanthorpe house. The Duke has no clue she is there. To each one surprise they act like other people until Gideon finally tells her who he is. He takes up with the twins and later finds out they belong to Sabrina. She doesn’t know what to think of Gideon as he was not what she was expecting and he was no expecting to fall in love with her. When Sabrina has a baby girl The Duke is already wrapped by the baby. She takes to him right away.
The story was good I enjoyed reading about this couple who marry from a promise to an old friend. The characters are well done and the banter throughout the story was pretty good. At times Sabrina was scared but who could blame her after what she went through.
The setting seemed good as well. The story flowed were you wanted to know more.
A great read.